Saturday, December 15, 2007

Last week before mid-term

On Monday, it’s Constitution day so ABAC has no classes. I went to The Mall Bangkhae with my friend. We walked to theater floor and decided to see Bee Movie. This movie is Animation comedy. I liked it. After that, we had a lunch at The Pizza. We ordered Super Deluxe in medium size. It has pepperoni, sliced ham, sliced bacon, onion, capsicum, mushroom, pineapple, pork, Italian sausage, shredded ham. In addition, we ordered BBQ chicken wings, garlic bread and bread sticks & dipping sauce. We ordered many foods but ate only 2 people. It’s too much. After eating, I felt tight in the stomach. I thought that will not eat too much again. After that, I went back home and stuffed things to back dorm.

On Tuesday, I had English II class at 11 p.m. After class, I and my friends had a lunch together. We had agreement to go to Platinum Mall. My two friends that ever have studied in ABAC came and went to Platinum with ours. We went to platinum by my friend’s boyfriend car. We walked from 5th floor to 1st floor because a car parked on the top floor. We walked since 2.30 until 5 p.m. I bought only three shirts. I wanted to buy many things but there were no anything that I like. It disappointed for me because I didn’t go to law class for that shopping but I got only shirt. While we were going back ABAC, we felt hungry so we decided to have a dinner at milk café that is not far from ABAC. I ordered Spaghetti Cream Sauce with fried chicken. It’s very delicious. My friend ordered two menus because she was very hungry. After that, I went back my dorm.

On Wednesday, I had law class in the morning so I had to get up early. I was very sleepy. After class, I and my friends had breakfast and then we went to World Civilization class. In class, Arjarn taught only thirty minutes. In fact, this subject has 1.30 hours but in that day, Arjarn taught finished and nothing to do so she finished class quickly. After class, I and my friends went to shop to buy World Civilization’s textbook because we will exam on Friday. Then I went back dorm and invited my friend that stay in same dorm to play Audition game. I wanted to relax before I will be serious in the next day.

On Thursday, I have no class. I woke up at 10 p.m., took a bath and went outside to buy foods. After eating, I read World Civilization’s text book for examination next day. I read it almost all day. I was very upset about it because it’s difficult and there are many texts. I couldn’t remember it all. In the evening, I relaxed by seeing Korean movie and then I knocked my friend’s door that is opposite my room to invite her to have a dinner. We walked outside from our room to food shop. We chose to eat Tom-Yam noodle. Then we walked to Family Mart to buy many snacks for a long night. We wanted to hoard foods because that night we maybe read a textbook until midnight. When we went back our dorm, I hurried to take a bath and read a textbook.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Make up class and make up class

Last week, I studied every subject that I had class in the first time. I felt good that I studied all because many weeks ago I didn’t go to class some subject. That week, On Wednesday, it is father’s day so there is no class. But I didn’t go back home because next day I had class. That day I called to my dad and told that love him. My boyfriend came to my dorm because I stayed alone and I was very bored. We went to Major Hollywood to see the movie. That day, there are 4 new movies. There are The Golden Compass, Bee Movie, The Buddha and The Screen. I chose to see The Golden compass because I liked fantasy movie. We chose to see at 2p.m. so we had 1 hour and thirty minutes for free time. So we went to sing a song and then we had a lunch together. We ate Chicken Teriyaki set and Dim Sum. When it’s time, we walked to enter theatre. I liked a seat there very much. It’s comfortable and wide. After seeing, we walked to Rajamangala National Stadium. We sat on yard in front of stadium and took a photo together. We sat and rest for a moment. Then we walked to ABAC, went to internet café to play game and had a dinner at BKK restaurant. Then I went back my dorm. On Thursday, I went to English II class with my friend that stay same dorm. Another friend didn’t come to class. After class, we had a lunch and walked to our dorm because we studied again at 5p.m. It had many free times so we went back dorm. In fact, that day, we didn’t have any class after English II but World Civilization subject studied on Wednesday and it has no class so Arjarn told that had to make up class on Thursday. So when it’s time, I and my friend went to class. In class, there are students not much. I thought it’s very late so another student didn’t come to class. After class, we had a dinner, played Audition online game and went back dorm. On Friday, I had to go to make up class for Criminal II law. In fact, this subject studies on Saturday but Arjarn is busy so there is class on Friday for 4 hours. It’s a long time. After class, I went back dorm to stuff my things and waited my mother to pick me to back home.

On Saturday, I and my mother went to Central Pinklao because my brother studied Japanese language there and I brought my glasses to repair because I treaded on it so it broke. It’s unfortunate. When we arrived, I walked to glasses shop where I bought my glasses. My glasses broke only left side. Storekeeper told that pair of lens costs 2,800 baht so I had to pay for one side. It costs 1,400 baht. Then we walked around Central. In downstairs, there are many food shops. It has variety of foods. I and my mother walked to look and bought many foods. We enjoy eating. Then I and my mother went to S&P restaurant to have a dinner. We waited my brother to finish studying and then we went back home together.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

When it's cold

On Monday, I had class since 11-14 p.m. It's not free time between 2 subjects. It's so bad. When I finished class, I had a lunch with my friends. It’s the first meal in that day so I was very hungry. Then we went to law class that studied for 4 hours. It's a long time. After law subject, my friend invited me to have a dinner at milk café. This food shop is not far from ABAC. So I went to milk café with her. Then I went back dorm, took a bath and reviewed my lesson.

On Tuesday, I had English II class at 11 p.m. In class, Arjarn Jasper asked the question about textbook. I couldn't answer because I still read not finish. So I intended that will read it finished before on Thursday. After class, I and my friend had a lunch and we went to our dorm to do law's homework. Then we went to internet cafe to play game. In the evening, we entered in ABAC to see music's competition. My friend was one of group that showed in that day. After we saw, my friend was very hungry so we went to food shop to have a dinner together. Then we went back our dorm.

On Wednesday, I had law class in the morning. I waited my friend to go to class together. While we were walking to go to class, a cold wind was blowing on our body. we're cold because we didn't wear overcoat. That day, I studied only 2 subjects so I had free time to do my homework. When it’s time to class, I knocked my friend’s door that is opposite my room. We walked to class together. After class, I and my friend hurry to go back dorm because we had to do my English II's homework. I read a textbook before I did my homework. I both did my home work and watched TV. I called my friend to ask that she did finish or not. She told that still not did it because she helped her brother to do homework. Then I hurried to do my homework. Finally, I did it finished. It's very late and I was very sleepy so I went to bed suddenly.

On Thursday, I studied only English II. In fact, I had law class at 8a.m. but I couldn't wake up because last day I slept late. So I went to English II class at11p.m. After class, we had a lunch. Then we went to internet café. I checked mail, read many boards and played Audition game. Then we went to class. In class, we played hangman game together. I liked it because it’s fun and relax. I played for a moment. Then I hurry to back dorm because my mother pick me to back home.

On Friday, I, my mom and my sister went to Suvarnabhumi airport. We went to sent mother’s younger brother. He went to Philippine. We had a lunch at restaurant that is in Suvarnabhumi airport. I ordered rice with chicken teriyaki, orange juice and banana flitter with ice cream. They’re very delicious. Then we went to The Mall Ngamwongwarn. We walked to Homefreshmart supermarket. I bought shampoo, lotion, snacks and fruit juice. Then we went back home and had a dinner. I didn’t watch Academia Fantasia reality almost week so I watched it until1a.m. I felt sleepy so I went to bed suddenly.

The weather is cold. It causes many people don't take a bath or shampoo their hair. Even it's cold but I took a bath everyday without warm water. I think it's satisfied for me.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy week

On Monday, I didn’t have English II class because Arjarn Jasper canceled class. So I have class again at 12.30 p.m. In World Civil class, Arjarn gave question’s paper to do in group. That day, in my group has only three persons because other friend went to AU game. It’s unlucky. After class, I and my friend had a lunch together. Then we went to law class. In the end of class, Ajarn told story of ghost in ABAC . I and my friend feared very much because in that time is 7 p.m. It’s very dark and rain was heavily fell down. We waited for a moment. Then we ran through rain to back our dorm. We were soaked all body but we liked it. It’s very fun. When I arrived dorm, I hurried to take a bath and shampoo the hair because I feared to have a cold. Then I watched Korea series, talked with my friend and went to bed.

On Tuesday, the first subject is English II class. In class, Arjarn Jasper gave a new text and asked question in that text. I read and tried to understand it. After class, I and my friends went to BKK Grill restaurant that open new branch in front of ABAC. I ordered fish grill. It’s very delicious. After lunch, my friend wanted to go Kasetsart University to visit her boyfriend and she wanted me to go with her so I went Kasetsart with her. We went by a taxi. When we arrived Kasetsart, we walked around university. I liked atmosphere in Kasetsart very much. It’s extensive and has many trees. We walked pass many faculties such as, engineer, architecture, anthropology, etc. We walked too much so my toe swelled. In the evening, I made an appointment my boyfriend to see the movie so we went back to ABAC. I waited my boyfriend at Major Hollywood for 1 hour. I was very bored. When my boyfriend arrived, the movie that we wanted to see didn’t have showtime. So we went back ABAC to have dinner. After dinner, we went to internet café to play game online and then I went back my dorm.

On Wednesday, I had law class in the morning. I waited my friend to went to class together. This subject is difficult so I intended to study it. After class, I and my friends had breakfast and we walked to shops that around ABAC for waited a time to go to next class. In the afternoon, after World Civil class, I and my friends went to The Mall Bangkapi. I wanted to buy gift for my boyfriend so I invited my friend to help me to choose it. We walked to find gift but didn’t have anything that is suitable so I thought that will buy cake or pay for dinner. Then I went back dorm, copied lecture from my friend’s notebook and read law lesson. In the evening, I left from dorm to buy foods for dinner. After eating, I took a bath, watched TV and went to bed.

On Thursday, that day, law class canceled so I went to English II class at 11a.m. In English II class has quiz. I couldn’t do finish on time. It’s so sad. We made an appointment to go to Platinum in that day. So after lunch, we went to Platinum by a taxi. When we arrived Platinum, we went to 5th floor. This floor is food court. My friends didn’t have a lunch so they ate before walking. When my friend finished eating, we started shopping. I bought shoes, dress, overcoat and scarf. I wanted to buy bag and my friend wanted to buy other things but she didn’t have enough money. We didn’t have enough time and money. In that day, I and my friend was very happy that we went shopping together so we thought that will go Platinum again in soon.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The third week

On Monday, I have three classes. The first subject is English II. Arjarn Jasper gave a new article. I read and tried to understand it. After class, I and my friend went to World Civil class suddenly. We didn’t have free time between two subjects. After World Civil class, we had a lunch. I was very hungry because I didn’t have breakfast. Then we went to law class. I studied this subject four hours. It’s very long time but Arjarn gave thirty minutes for resting. I and my friend bought snacks to eat before we went back class. When I finished class, I went back my dorm. I read article that Arjarn Jasper gave. I wanted to understand about it so I read it. Then I talked with my friend and slept.

On Tuesday, In English II class has oral test. Arjarn Jasper asked me about movie that I saw and what did I do last night. I couldn’t explain about this movie so I got only C. It’s so sad. After class, I and my friends had a lunch. We had class again at 2 p.m. so we had free times. We talked together at S. Building to wait a time to go class. Finally, we didn’t go class. We’re lazy and my friend had a problem about her boyfriend so she didn’t have mind to study. I invited her to Ta-Wan-Na. We walked to look clothes and shoes but we didn’t buy anything. We had a dinner together and went back my friend’s dorm. I and my friend didn’t stay same dorm but I stayed with her before I went back my dorm. I didn’t want my friend thought about problem too much. When it’s very late, I walked to back my dorm.

On Wednesday, I had law class in the morning so I got up early. I was very lazy but I intended to study so I went to class. After class, I and my friend had lunch and went to World Civil class. After finished class, my friends went back their home so I went back dorm. I was bored and felt lonely so I went to internet café to check e-mail, read many questions posed in and play online game. Then I bought foods for dinner and went back my dorm. After eating, I read law book because I wanted to understand lesson before I will go to class. That makes I understand lesson much more. Then I took a bath, watched TV, talked with my friend and went to bed.

On Thursday, I got up at 7a.m. I was very sleepy because last day I slept very late. I went to law class and had breakfast. Then I had English II class. In class, Ajarn Jasper gave essay back everybody. I got WP. I was very serious. I feared that I will not pass English II because oral test I got c and my essay got wp. It’s very bad. I hoped that next time I will get good mark. After class, I and my friend went to Nah-Ram. I bought shoes and shorts. Then we went back ABAC because we had ethic class at 2 p.m. I studied ethic class three hours. It’s a long time. However, this subject has only before-midterm and after-midterm so it’s not too bad. After class, I was hungry so I ate rice with my friend. And then I waited my mother to pick me to back home.

On Friday, my mother invited me to go to Paragon. I agreed with her. We went to supermarket in Paragon. In supermarket had many things both import and export products. I bought an ice cream that is in this supermarket. It has many favors and every favor are appetizing that why I decided difficult to choose them. Finally, I chose to eat Ferrero Rocher favor. It’s very delicious. After I and my mother bought many things in supermarket, we walked to outside area. It has many foods both meat dish and dessert. We bought a cake, steamed stuff bun and fish ball. That day, we had many foods. I like it because I enjoy eating very much that causes I’m fat. When we finished buying, we went back home.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Two weeks ago

Finally, I had to class again after period of happy time passed. In the 2rd semester 2007, I registered total 20 credits. It's great because in the first year, I registered only 13 and 16 credits. It's too litle. I wanted to graduate in 4 year so I need to study many credits. In the first week of open semester, On Monday, my first subject is EngII. I studied with Arjan Jasper again. It's so lucky for me. But in that day I and my friends didn't go to class because my friend failed EnglishII so she had to change section to study EnglishII again. I went to make it with her. When we finished, it's late to go class so we had a lunch. Then we went to World Civil class. After class, my friends invited me to go to The Mall Bangkapi. I agreed with them. When we arrived The Mall Bangkapi, we walked for a moment and went to Nomjit. It's opposite The Mall. My friends wanted to paint nails and extend her hair. I waited my friend many hours. Then we went to Ta-wan-na and had a dinner together. After dinner, we went back our dome. On Tuesday until Thursday, I went to class but I didn't go to law subject I studied only BG subject because nobody in my group went to law class and I didn't want to study alone. We're lazy but next week we thought that will study every subject. On Thursday,my mother picked me to go back home because I don't have class on Friday. But I have class on Saturday,it's so bad. In the evening, On Saturday, I went to The Mall Ngamwongwarn to meet my friend. We had a dinner at Zen restaurant. We ordered many foods. When we checked bill, it costs 1400 baht. It's very expensive because my friend ordered one wrong menu. My friend thought that menu costs 200 baht but it costs 890 baht so it's more expensive than we thought. In the first time, my friend intended to pay all food expense but he didn't have enough money so I helped him to pay for them. Then we went to Home Fresh Mart. It's supermarket in The Mall. I bought sanitary napkin, tooth-brush and shampoo to use in my dorm. Then we went back home. The Mall Ngamwongwarn is not far from my home and there are public vans that arrive my home. It's convinient. On Sunday, I went to hospital to visit my sister. She was operated her jaw to prepare for do her teeth. In the evening, my mother drove to my dorm. We had a dinner at BKK restaurant that near ABAC.

In the second week, I went to class as usual. On Tuesday, facuty of law announced grade. I and my friend were very exciting. After EnglishII class, we walked to Q8 building to look grade. When we arrived the place that announce grade, there are many people that look grade. We couldn't see anything so I walked pass crowd to see it. Finally, I could look my grade. I passed every subject and grade is good. I'm very glad and I felt relieve that I didn't fail. Then I and my friend had a lunch and went to law class in the afternoon. On Thursday, after English class, I and my friends went to ABAC Suvarnabhumi to connect ethic center because we didn't pass ethic in semester2/2006. We wanted to solve for it. In the evening, after we went back to ABAC Huamark, I and my friend went to internet cafe. I waited my mother to pick me to back home until 7.30 p.m.

My holidays

In October, after final exam, I , my mother,my sister and my sister’s boyfriend went to Phuket. We travel ed by a car. My mother was driver. We left from home at 9.45 a.m. It’s late for a long travel because it’s more than 10 hours that arrive Phuket. I sat in front of car so I had to talk with my mother and didn’t sleep because I fear that my mother will sleep. It’s dangerous. We had a lunch at restaurant that is in Prachuapkhirikhan. I don’t like this province because it’s the longest province in Thailand. It’s a long time that pass this province. Next Prachuapkhirikhan is the door of Southern Thailand. It’s Chumporn. Next is Suratthani, Phangnga and Phuket. We arrived Phuket at 8.30 p.m. We had a dinner at Cha-Baa restaurant. My uncle is the owner of Cha-Baa restaurant. It’s in Karon beach. I like uncle’s restaurant very much because it decorates very good both inside and outside of restaurant. Moreover, food is very delicious especially prawn omelette. After dinner, we went to uncle’s house to rest.

Next day, the weather is bad because it was rainning. We were very bored. It made we can’t go anywhere. We waited until rain stopped. Then my mother drove to Kata beach, patong beach,Nai Harn beach, Kamala bay and another place. I can’t remember all place. I and my sister took many pictures. In the evening, My uncle took we to had a dinner at Palai restaurant. We ordered many seafoods. It’s delicious. Then we went to Jungceylon. It’s department store that has only Phuket. We walked and took photos. It had a good views. We went to Haagen Dazs to eat ice-cream. We ordered fong doo to eat together. It’ was very delicious and it’s very expensive too. Then we went back uncle’s house.

Next day, In the morning,it was raining again. It was boring. We went to food shop in Patong beach. We ate Khao-Man-Kai. It’s rice with chicken. It’s the most delicious Khao-Man-Kai for me. Then we went to Phromthep Cape. It’s very good view. The fact we should go in the evening because the sun will fall. It’s very beautiful. But we thought the weather was bad so it can’t see the sun. We went that place in afternoon. Then we went to Naiyang beach and went to market to buy shrimp, cuttlefish and fish. They’re very fresh.We cook and had a dinner at Cha-Baa restaurant. Then we went back resting place and stuff our bags to went back Bangkok.
Next day, We had a breakfast at 11.00 a.m. and left from Phuket. It’s late very much. We passed Sarasin bridge. It’s the bridge between Phuket and the main land. We could see Andaman Sea. It’s very beautiful. When we arrived Phangnga, my mother park a car at side road and bought a very big fish and shrimp. We had a dinner at Phetchaburi and bought souvenir. We arrived home at 11.00p.m. I was very happy that went to Phuket. It’s very good trip. I thought that will go Phuket again when I have a chance.