Saturday, November 17, 2007

The third week

On Monday, I have three classes. The first subject is English II. Arjarn Jasper gave a new article. I read and tried to understand it. After class, I and my friend went to World Civil class suddenly. We didn’t have free time between two subjects. After World Civil class, we had a lunch. I was very hungry because I didn’t have breakfast. Then we went to law class. I studied this subject four hours. It’s very long time but Arjarn gave thirty minutes for resting. I and my friend bought snacks to eat before we went back class. When I finished class, I went back my dorm. I read article that Arjarn Jasper gave. I wanted to understand about it so I read it. Then I talked with my friend and slept.

On Tuesday, In English II class has oral test. Arjarn Jasper asked me about movie that I saw and what did I do last night. I couldn’t explain about this movie so I got only C. It’s so sad. After class, I and my friends had a lunch. We had class again at 2 p.m. so we had free times. We talked together at S. Building to wait a time to go class. Finally, we didn’t go class. We’re lazy and my friend had a problem about her boyfriend so she didn’t have mind to study. I invited her to Ta-Wan-Na. We walked to look clothes and shoes but we didn’t buy anything. We had a dinner together and went back my friend’s dorm. I and my friend didn’t stay same dorm but I stayed with her before I went back my dorm. I didn’t want my friend thought about problem too much. When it’s very late, I walked to back my dorm.

On Wednesday, I had law class in the morning so I got up early. I was very lazy but I intended to study so I went to class. After class, I and my friend had lunch and went to World Civil class. After finished class, my friends went back their home so I went back dorm. I was bored and felt lonely so I went to internet café to check e-mail, read many questions posed in and play online game. Then I bought foods for dinner and went back my dorm. After eating, I read law book because I wanted to understand lesson before I will go to class. That makes I understand lesson much more. Then I took a bath, watched TV, talked with my friend and went to bed.

On Thursday, I got up at 7a.m. I was very sleepy because last day I slept very late. I went to law class and had breakfast. Then I had English II class. In class, Ajarn Jasper gave essay back everybody. I got WP. I was very serious. I feared that I will not pass English II because oral test I got c and my essay got wp. It’s very bad. I hoped that next time I will get good mark. After class, I and my friend went to Nah-Ram. I bought shoes and shorts. Then we went back ABAC because we had ethic class at 2 p.m. I studied ethic class three hours. It’s a long time. However, this subject has only before-midterm and after-midterm so it’s not too bad. After class, I was hungry so I ate rice with my friend. And then I waited my mother to pick me to back home.

On Friday, my mother invited me to go to Paragon. I agreed with her. We went to supermarket in Paragon. In supermarket had many things both import and export products. I bought an ice cream that is in this supermarket. It has many favors and every favor are appetizing that why I decided difficult to choose them. Finally, I chose to eat Ferrero Rocher favor. It’s very delicious. After I and my mother bought many things in supermarket, we walked to outside area. It has many foods both meat dish and dessert. We bought a cake, steamed stuff bun and fish ball. That day, we had many foods. I like it because I enjoy eating very much that causes I’m fat. When we finished buying, we went back home.

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