Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy week

On Monday, I didn’t have English II class because Arjarn Jasper canceled class. So I have class again at 12.30 p.m. In World Civil class, Arjarn gave question’s paper to do in group. That day, in my group has only three persons because other friend went to AU game. It’s unlucky. After class, I and my friend had a lunch together. Then we went to law class. In the end of class, Ajarn told story of ghost in ABAC . I and my friend feared very much because in that time is 7 p.m. It’s very dark and rain was heavily fell down. We waited for a moment. Then we ran through rain to back our dorm. We were soaked all body but we liked it. It’s very fun. When I arrived dorm, I hurried to take a bath and shampoo the hair because I feared to have a cold. Then I watched Korea series, talked with my friend and went to bed.

On Tuesday, the first subject is English II class. In class, Arjarn Jasper gave a new text and asked question in that text. I read and tried to understand it. After class, I and my friends went to BKK Grill restaurant that open new branch in front of ABAC. I ordered fish grill. It’s very delicious. After lunch, my friend wanted to go Kasetsart University to visit her boyfriend and she wanted me to go with her so I went Kasetsart with her. We went by a taxi. When we arrived Kasetsart, we walked around university. I liked atmosphere in Kasetsart very much. It’s extensive and has many trees. We walked pass many faculties such as, engineer, architecture, anthropology, etc. We walked too much so my toe swelled. In the evening, I made an appointment my boyfriend to see the movie so we went back to ABAC. I waited my boyfriend at Major Hollywood for 1 hour. I was very bored. When my boyfriend arrived, the movie that we wanted to see didn’t have showtime. So we went back ABAC to have dinner. After dinner, we went to internet café to play game online and then I went back my dorm.

On Wednesday, I had law class in the morning. I waited my friend to went to class together. This subject is difficult so I intended to study it. After class, I and my friends had breakfast and we walked to shops that around ABAC for waited a time to go to next class. In the afternoon, after World Civil class, I and my friends went to The Mall Bangkapi. I wanted to buy gift for my boyfriend so I invited my friend to help me to choose it. We walked to find gift but didn’t have anything that is suitable so I thought that will buy cake or pay for dinner. Then I went back dorm, copied lecture from my friend’s notebook and read law lesson. In the evening, I left from dorm to buy foods for dinner. After eating, I took a bath, watched TV and went to bed.

On Thursday, that day, law class canceled so I went to English II class at 11a.m. In English II class has quiz. I couldn’t do finish on time. It’s so sad. We made an appointment to go to Platinum in that day. So after lunch, we went to Platinum by a taxi. When we arrived Platinum, we went to 5th floor. This floor is food court. My friends didn’t have a lunch so they ate before walking. When my friend finished eating, we started shopping. I bought shoes, dress, overcoat and scarf. I wanted to buy bag and my friend wanted to buy other things but she didn’t have enough money. We didn’t have enough time and money. In that day, I and my friend was very happy that we went shopping together so we thought that will go Platinum again in soon.

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