Saturday, December 8, 2007

Make up class and make up class

Last week, I studied every subject that I had class in the first time. I felt good that I studied all because many weeks ago I didn’t go to class some subject. That week, On Wednesday, it is father’s day so there is no class. But I didn’t go back home because next day I had class. That day I called to my dad and told that love him. My boyfriend came to my dorm because I stayed alone and I was very bored. We went to Major Hollywood to see the movie. That day, there are 4 new movies. There are The Golden Compass, Bee Movie, The Buddha and The Screen. I chose to see The Golden compass because I liked fantasy movie. We chose to see at 2p.m. so we had 1 hour and thirty minutes for free time. So we went to sing a song and then we had a lunch together. We ate Chicken Teriyaki set and Dim Sum. When it’s time, we walked to enter theatre. I liked a seat there very much. It’s comfortable and wide. After seeing, we walked to Rajamangala National Stadium. We sat on yard in front of stadium and took a photo together. We sat and rest for a moment. Then we walked to ABAC, went to internet café to play game and had a dinner at BKK restaurant. Then I went back my dorm. On Thursday, I went to English II class with my friend that stay same dorm. Another friend didn’t come to class. After class, we had a lunch and walked to our dorm because we studied again at 5p.m. It had many free times so we went back dorm. In fact, that day, we didn’t have any class after English II but World Civilization subject studied on Wednesday and it has no class so Arjarn told that had to make up class on Thursday. So when it’s time, I and my friend went to class. In class, there are students not much. I thought it’s very late so another student didn’t come to class. After class, we had a dinner, played Audition online game and went back dorm. On Friday, I had to go to make up class for Criminal II law. In fact, this subject studies on Saturday but Arjarn is busy so there is class on Friday for 4 hours. It’s a long time. After class, I went back dorm to stuff my things and waited my mother to pick me to back home.

On Saturday, I and my mother went to Central Pinklao because my brother studied Japanese language there and I brought my glasses to repair because I treaded on it so it broke. It’s unfortunate. When we arrived, I walked to glasses shop where I bought my glasses. My glasses broke only left side. Storekeeper told that pair of lens costs 2,800 baht so I had to pay for one side. It costs 1,400 baht. Then we walked around Central. In downstairs, there are many food shops. It has variety of foods. I and my mother walked to look and bought many foods. We enjoy eating. Then I and my mother went to S&P restaurant to have a dinner. We waited my brother to finish studying and then we went back home together.

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