Saturday, December 1, 2007

When it's cold

On Monday, I had class since 11-14 p.m. It's not free time between 2 subjects. It's so bad. When I finished class, I had a lunch with my friends. It’s the first meal in that day so I was very hungry. Then we went to law class that studied for 4 hours. It's a long time. After law subject, my friend invited me to have a dinner at milk café. This food shop is not far from ABAC. So I went to milk café with her. Then I went back dorm, took a bath and reviewed my lesson.

On Tuesday, I had English II class at 11 p.m. In class, Arjarn Jasper asked the question about textbook. I couldn't answer because I still read not finish. So I intended that will read it finished before on Thursday. After class, I and my friend had a lunch and we went to our dorm to do law's homework. Then we went to internet cafe to play game. In the evening, we entered in ABAC to see music's competition. My friend was one of group that showed in that day. After we saw, my friend was very hungry so we went to food shop to have a dinner together. Then we went back our dorm.

On Wednesday, I had law class in the morning. I waited my friend to go to class together. While we were walking to go to class, a cold wind was blowing on our body. we're cold because we didn't wear overcoat. That day, I studied only 2 subjects so I had free time to do my homework. When it’s time to class, I knocked my friend’s door that is opposite my room. We walked to class together. After class, I and my friend hurry to go back dorm because we had to do my English II's homework. I read a textbook before I did my homework. I both did my home work and watched TV. I called my friend to ask that she did finish or not. She told that still not did it because she helped her brother to do homework. Then I hurried to do my homework. Finally, I did it finished. It's very late and I was very sleepy so I went to bed suddenly.

On Thursday, I studied only English II. In fact, I had law class at 8a.m. but I couldn't wake up because last day I slept late. So I went to English II class at11p.m. After class, we had a lunch. Then we went to internet café. I checked mail, read many boards and played Audition game. Then we went to class. In class, we played hangman game together. I liked it because it’s fun and relax. I played for a moment. Then I hurry to back dorm because my mother pick me to back home.

On Friday, I, my mom and my sister went to Suvarnabhumi airport. We went to sent mother’s younger brother. He went to Philippine. We had a lunch at restaurant that is in Suvarnabhumi airport. I ordered rice with chicken teriyaki, orange juice and banana flitter with ice cream. They’re very delicious. Then we went to The Mall Ngamwongwarn. We walked to Homefreshmart supermarket. I bought shampoo, lotion, snacks and fruit juice. Then we went back home and had a dinner. I didn’t watch Academia Fantasia reality almost week so I watched it until1a.m. I felt sleepy so I went to bed suddenly.

The weather is cold. It causes many people don't take a bath or shampoo their hair. Even it's cold but I took a bath everyday without warm water. I think it's satisfied for me.

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