Saturday, February 2, 2008

My experience

Saturday, I woke up at 6.00 am . My mother woke me up frome bed. She told , it's late now. I took a shower very quickly and get dressed. I had a class on 9.o0 am. My house is far from my university and my problem is tracfic jam. I bore about it very much. Until I get dressed , I had breakfast. I arrived to university on 9.00 am. I finished on 11.00 am. I visited my friends to have lunch. Next , we went to sit at facculty table. My faculty did not have people to much. It was small faculty. But we love together. I think it's already fit.
This weekend I have learnt many things that I haven’t tried before. First, I learned how to cook from my mother. I have never cooked anything before, except boiling instant noodle, which does not count as cooking. My mother taught me how to cook fried rice. I always thought that cooking is difficult before. I thought it was impossible to me to cook. However, my mother, as she chose to teach me to cook basic food, showed me how to cut and everything. I found that it was not difficult at all. In fact, I think it is easy. My mother showed me how to do it a little bit and let me do the rest. As a result, I enjoy that meal and want to learn how to cook other foods. It was fun and it also makes me proud that I can do something that I have never thought I can.The second thing I have learnt in the weekend is online shopping. Although I knew that many people shop online now, I have never tried because I am not sure that I can trust and also I do not know how to shop online either. However, this time I tried to buy something online. I really wanted to buy cosmetics , but it is very expensive in the counter of department store. I saw someone posting on the website selling that cosmetics in a much cheaper price. However, the problem is that I had to transfer money to seller’s bank account first and waited for the delivery. After weighting all factors, I decided to take a risk. I transferred money to seller’s bank account and telephoned her about the order. The seller told me that I would get the cosmetics in the next day. However, in the next day I did not get the tester that the seller told me she must give me. So, I called and asked the seller. The seller told me that she would send it to me today. Finally, I got the tester.
I have both good and bad experiences . Cooking is definitely my good experience. This experience not only teaches me about cooking, but also teaches me that I can do anything if I try. It makes my perspective wider. Shopping online gives me both good and bad experiences. The good side of it is that I now know the processes of online shopping a little bit more. Also, I have learnt that in business, trust is very important. On the other hand, the bad side of it is that I almost lost my money on shopping online. From now on, if I want to learn something new, I will try, but with careful mind.

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