Sunday, January 20, 2008

Busy day

On Friday, I stayed at home and don't anybody that share to play computer because my older brother went airport for working and my younger brother went to school. I'm very happy that I can play internet all day. But it's not like my opinion when my friend call me to say that World Civilization subject's report have presentation on Monday so I had to do it. This is group report. I helped my friend to summarize detail for put in power point program. I did it until the evening. In the first, I thought that will do journal and search detail about legalization of gambling in Thailand for my essay because on Saturday I will busy all day. So I wanted to clear some my homework. But I couldn't do it because I had to do group report before my homework.

On Saturday, I had law class in the morning and I went back home since on Thursday so I had to get up early because I didn't stay at dorm. I made an appointment with my friend to go ABAC with him. My friend drove a car to ABAC and he is not far from my home. After class, I walked to meet my boyfriend. He came to ABAC to meet me. We had a lunch together. After that we walked to internet cafe to play online game and internet. That day my sister had commencement at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center. So when I and my boyfriend played game for a moment, we went to Queen Sirikit National Convention Center to take a photo with my sister. We went to there by a taxi. When we arrived there, I saw many people were in front of and around convention center. We walked through the crowd to find my sister and my cousins. When I met my sister and my cousins, my sister told me to take a photo with her and our family. We took a photo both inside and outside convention center. In the evening, we walked to take a photo at Benjakitti Park that is next to convention center. This park includes a big lake and is on land that was formerly occupied by the Tobacco Monopoly, the government's tobacco factory. I liked this park because it is extensive, have a good atmosphere, have a beautiful view and there is path for riding a bicycle. After we took photos enough, we had a dinner at restaurant where is not far from convention center and then we went back home. In that day, while I was sawing my sister, I thought about me in the future when I graduate from ABAC, a day that I will wear academic gown and take photos with my cousins and my friends. I wanted that day come quickly. I hoped that I will graduate in 4 years so I had to intend to study and read a book much more. When I arrived home, I hurried to take a bath. After that I intended to do my homework but I was tired and felt sleepy. So I thought that will do it in the next day and then I went to bed suddenly


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