Saturday, January 26, 2008

Enjoy buying and eating

On Tuesday, the first subject is English II. In class, I sent my essay that have topic that “Legalization of gambling in Thailand” to Arjarn Jasper. After English II class, I and my friend went to Nomjit that is opposite The Mall Bangkapi because my friends wanted to paint her fingernails. My friend drove her car to park at The Mall. After that, I and my friend wanted to print picture from my mobile phone so I and my friend found shop to print our picture. Then we had a free time to wait our picture so we went to shop to paint fingernails. We saw many designs to choose to do it. In the first time, I intended to do it but it didn’t have any design that I like so I didn’t do it. I waited my friend to paint her fingernails and then we walked to shop to receive our picture and went to The Mall. My friend bought cosmetic and tissue at Watson and then we walked to stationery shop because I wanted to buy Scotch tape to take it to wrap present. After that, we walked to Ta-wan-na. Last week, I and my friend went to Ta-wan-na and I liked one dress but I didn’t buy because I thought that will go Platinum Mall soon so I intended that will buy clothes once. But I didn’t go anywhere so I decide to buy that dress. I and my friend found shop that sells that dress and I bought it. My friend bought dress too but it’s different from my dress style. Then we walked to Ta-wan-na square. It’s next to Ta-wan-na and Macro supermarket. I wanted to buy contact lens that import from Korea. My sister told me that it’s good and it’s difficult to find to buy them. And my sister bought them from Ta-wan-na square so I went to there to buy them. Contact lens that I bought costs 599 baht. It’s not too expensive for using three months. When we bought everything that we wanted in that day, we went back ABAC to study law subject that starts 5.30 p.m. In That day, I and my friend paid too much. We thought we should be saving in next day. Otherwise, we will not have money to dine. 555 However I and my friend are happy that we did things that we wanted to do them.

On Thursday, I usually went to class. In English II class, Arjarn gave essay paper back to me and explained my defect in essay. I got B-. It’s not bad for me. After class, I and my friends had a lunch together. Then we went to Auditorium to re-exam for ethics subject that we failed in year 1/2. After that I went back dorm, stuffed things to my bag and waited my mother to pick me back home. During I waited for my mother, I saw Korean series and slept. I didn’t know the time that my mother will arrive. She told me that will arrive late because she’s busy and waited my sister to go back home together because my sister was with her friend near ABAC. In the first time, I intended to have dinner with my mother and my sister but I was hungry more than waited for them. So I left dorm to buy foods. When my mother arrived, picked me and my sister, she drove to milk cafĂ© because she didn’t have dinner and she’s very hungry. Though I already have dinner, I could eat again. I’m too greedy.555 I ordered spaghetti cream sauce with fried chicken that is my favorite menu and then we ordered egg custard with bread. They’re very delicious. In that day, I ate too much and it’s like this almost everyday so it caused I’m fat now. But I’m happy to enjoy eating.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Busy day

On Friday, I stayed at home and don't anybody that share to play computer because my older brother went airport for working and my younger brother went to school. I'm very happy that I can play internet all day. But it's not like my opinion when my friend call me to say that World Civilization subject's report have presentation on Monday so I had to do it. This is group report. I helped my friend to summarize detail for put in power point program. I did it until the evening. In the first, I thought that will do journal and search detail about legalization of gambling in Thailand for my essay because on Saturday I will busy all day. So I wanted to clear some my homework. But I couldn't do it because I had to do group report before my homework.

On Saturday, I had law class in the morning and I went back home since on Thursday so I had to get up early because I didn't stay at dorm. I made an appointment with my friend to go ABAC with him. My friend drove a car to ABAC and he is not far from my home. After class, I walked to meet my boyfriend. He came to ABAC to meet me. We had a lunch together. After that we walked to internet cafe to play online game and internet. That day my sister had commencement at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center. So when I and my boyfriend played game for a moment, we went to Queen Sirikit National Convention Center to take a photo with my sister. We went to there by a taxi. When we arrived there, I saw many people were in front of and around convention center. We walked through the crowd to find my sister and my cousins. When I met my sister and my cousins, my sister told me to take a photo with her and our family. We took a photo both inside and outside convention center. In the evening, we walked to take a photo at Benjakitti Park that is next to convention center. This park includes a big lake and is on land that was formerly occupied by the Tobacco Monopoly, the government's tobacco factory. I liked this park because it is extensive, have a good atmosphere, have a beautiful view and there is path for riding a bicycle. After we took photos enough, we had a dinner at restaurant where is not far from convention center and then we went back home. In that day, while I was sawing my sister, I thought about me in the future when I graduate from ABAC, a day that I will wear academic gown and take photos with my cousins and my friends. I wanted that day come quickly. I hoped that I will graduate in 4 years so I had to intend to study and read a book much more. When I arrived home, I hurried to take a bath. After that I intended to do my homework but I was tired and felt sleepy. So I thought that will do it in the next day and then I went to bed suddenly


Saturday, January 12, 2008

The last day of 2007

Last day for 2007, my family and I didn’t go anywhere because we don’t like travel in while there are many people want to travel. We only went to our cousin’s house that is in Bangson province. My cousin invited my family to have a party and exchange present. So my family and I went to Central Pinklao to buy a present for drawing. Then we went to my cousin’s house. That place, there are many foods put on the desk such as, steamed dumpling, grilled chicken five stars, moo satay (BBQ pork with curry ), ice-cream, fruits and etc. I ate almost everything because I’m very hungry and that foods are tasty. After eating, I and my cousins gambled card. When it’s late at night, we draw to exchange present. I got number13. It’s lucky number. I got present that has money values 1000 baht. I liked money more than thing. I felt fortunate that I got present which is the most expensive. My brother and my sister got present that has money values 500 baht. In fact, Adult put money for present but child bought thing for present. I’m lucky that got adult’s present. After that, I and my family went back home. But that day my sister made an appointment with her boyfriend’s mother that come from China. She wanted to meet my sister and my mother so when we went back home, we went to receive desserts that we ordered for giving my sister’s boyfriend’s mother. In the first time, I thought that will countdown at home but my sister wanted me to go with her and my mother because there are many people that come with her boyfriend’s mother. My sister didn’t want to go there only her and mother so I went with her and mother. My mother drove a car to hotel that is on Ratchada road. When we arrived the hotel, my sister’s boyfriend led we to a room that his mother stayed. My sister can speak, write and listen to Chinese language but I and my mother can’t speak, write or listen to Chinese language. So I and my mother can only listen and smile. I felt very pressure because every eye-sight that came from my sister’s boyfriend’s mother and her cousin looked my sister, my mother and I. There are 11 people for them. If I know that I will feel bad, I won’t go with my sister certainly. While they were talking with my sister, I sat very quiet. When it’s near the time for countdown, I ask them for talking with my friend by mobile phone. I felt very good when I walked outside from that room. I talked with my boyfriend and countdown with him. Then, I called my friends to say “Happy New Year”. After that, I went back that room. For a moment, we thought it’s very late. It’s 1a.m. So we asked them for go back home. In that day, I was both happy, tired and pressure but I felt good that at least I went outside before a new year.