Saturday, February 9, 2008

Relaxation before final exam

On Tuesday, after I had English II class, I and my friend went to internet cafĂ© to play online game together. While we were playing, my another friend called to invite us to go Platinum Mall. I and my friend agreed with her because we wanted to go shopping and bought many law books at Chulalongkorn University Bookshop that is not far from Platinum Mall. I and two friends, we went there by taxi. We walked at Platinum Mall since 2.30 – 5.00p.m. I bought shoes and many clothes. After that, we called taxi to siam but there are not taxi agree to go siam. We didn’t know why so we called took -took to siam. A cost of passage is 50 baht. We thought this is expensive because siam is not far from Platinum and if we go to siam by taxi, a cost of passenger will equal. But we didn’t have choice. Finally, we realized that why there didn’t have any taxi to go siam and why cost of passenger by took-took is expensive. A way from Platinum Mall to siam was traffic jam. We got air pollution from exhaust. It’s too bad. Took-took’s driver parked at Chulalongkorn University because if he parked at siam, it’s a long time until we will reach there. So we walked through Chulalongkorn University to siam. From Chulalongkorn University to siam, it’s not far, we can walk. I and my friends felt hungry so we decided to eat at Chilalongkorn cafeteria. A food at there is very cheap. It just costs 20 baht. We couldn’t find this cost at ABAC. Moreover, it’s delicious. We thought if ABAC have this cafeteria, it will very good. We will save up money more than now. After dinner, we walked to Chulalongkorn University Bookshop and bought law books. After that, we walked to siam, my friend led us to restaurant that have delicious dessert. I ordered like my friend because she told me that it’s very delicious and it’s chocolate. I like chocolate very much. So I ordered it. And I was not disappointed because it’s very delicious like my friend told me. After that, we went to Bonanza that is near siam, we bought clothes again. There are many beautiful clothes but we had to restraint to buy it because we paid too much and didn’t have money enough. We had to save money to use in next day. When it’s late, we decided to go back ABAC by taxi. In that day, I was very happy even though we tired but we enjoy shopping.

Final exam is coming but I still not start read any book. It’s so bad. I have to admit that I almost forget that the exam is coming. Now I have to pay attention to reading books and doing homework. This semester I set a goal that I would get better grades than last semester, although the courses in this semester are tougher than last semester. So I need to read books much more. I don’t want to fail any subjects because I will waste both a time and money. I thought will not fail certainly if I concentrate to read books. And I will do as I can.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

My experience

Saturday, I woke up at 6.00 am . My mother woke me up frome bed. She told , it's late now. I took a shower very quickly and get dressed. I had a class on 9.o0 am. My house is far from my university and my problem is tracfic jam. I bore about it very much. Until I get dressed , I had breakfast. I arrived to university on 9.00 am. I finished on 11.00 am. I visited my friends to have lunch. Next , we went to sit at facculty table. My faculty did not have people to much. It was small faculty. But we love together. I think it's already fit.
This weekend I have learnt many things that I haven’t tried before. First, I learned how to cook from my mother. I have never cooked anything before, except boiling instant noodle, which does not count as cooking. My mother taught me how to cook fried rice. I always thought that cooking is difficult before. I thought it was impossible to me to cook. However, my mother, as she chose to teach me to cook basic food, showed me how to cut and everything. I found that it was not difficult at all. In fact, I think it is easy. My mother showed me how to do it a little bit and let me do the rest. As a result, I enjoy that meal and want to learn how to cook other foods. It was fun and it also makes me proud that I can do something that I have never thought I can.The second thing I have learnt in the weekend is online shopping. Although I knew that many people shop online now, I have never tried because I am not sure that I can trust and also I do not know how to shop online either. However, this time I tried to buy something online. I really wanted to buy cosmetics , but it is very expensive in the counter of department store. I saw someone posting on the website selling that cosmetics in a much cheaper price. However, the problem is that I had to transfer money to seller’s bank account first and waited for the delivery. After weighting all factors, I decided to take a risk. I transferred money to seller’s bank account and telephoned her about the order. The seller told me that I would get the cosmetics in the next day. However, in the next day I did not get the tester that the seller told me she must give me. So, I called and asked the seller. The seller told me that she would send it to me today. Finally, I got the tester.
I have both good and bad experiences . Cooking is definitely my good experience. This experience not only teaches me about cooking, but also teaches me that I can do anything if I try. It makes my perspective wider. Shopping online gives me both good and bad experiences. The good side of it is that I now know the processes of online shopping a little bit more. Also, I have learnt that in business, trust is very important. On the other hand, the bad side of it is that I almost lost my money on shopping online. From now on, if I want to learn something new, I will try, but with careful mind.